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App-timize Your Business: 10 Reasons Restaurant Chains Need Custom Apps
Prasad Vemulapalli | May 22, 2024


Smartphones dominate our lives in today's digital age. Service-based businesses leverage app technology to establish a solid online presence. With the rise of food delivery apps, restaurants must also use the power of custom apps.

Custom apps keep restaurants competitive and act as digital influencers, allowing customers to browse menus, order food, and make reservations— all at their fingertips. This translates to increased customer convenience and sales for your business by fostering a strong bond with them.

Let's explore the top ten reasons why restaurant apps can fuel your success in the digital age.

Boosts Revenue with Order Value

Statistics clearly show a skyrocketing demand for on-the-go convenience. That is where a custom restaurant app becomes a powerful tool. Unlike third-party apps that take a chunk of your profits, your app allows direct ordering, maximizing your net revenue.

Apps allow customers to easily browse menus, place dine-in, takeout, and delivery orders, and make reservations. This saves time and enables customers to make their decisions easily, potentially increasing average order value and providing a seamless experience.

Enhanced Convenience for Customers and Staff

The benefits extend beyond financials. Modern customers prioritize convenience above everything, including quality and taste. Creating a custom app for your business with the help of Orderem will help you better reach your customers.

Your customers can browse menus at leisure and easily customize orders, and you do not have to deal with a heavy load of callers during peak hours.

Pre-ordering for pickup or in-person dining streamlines your operations, significantly reducing wait times. It translates to a smoother workflow for your staff and happier customers as they get speedy delivery.

Loyalty Programs Made Easy

In today's competitive restaurant landscape, loyalty programs are no longer an option—they're essential. Apps facilitated by Orderem allow you to offer loyalty programs that can be easily integrated and customized to your needs.

Customers can effortlessly track points, redeem rewards for free meals or exclusive menu items, and receive personalized offers tailored to their preferences. This gamification of the entire restaurant experience leads to repeat visits and strengthens the connection between customers and brands.

Track Valuable Data

Modern restaurant apps transcend being a simple ordering platform. They equip you with invaluable insights into customer behavior through app analytics. You can track popular menu items, analyze ordering patterns across locations and demographics, and identify peak ordering times.

With a custom app for restaurant chains, you can combine revenue from different restaurants and study trends and hot-selling items in one place, helping you better strategize to grow your business.

The data helps you make informed decisions. You can adjust menus, pricing, and discounts based on your customer preferences. Restaurant chain owners can use the data to identify popular food items and peak service hours in different locations, which can help you move your staff accordingly.

You can also personalize the app experience based on user data. You can recommend favorite dishes or highlight new items they might enjoy to increase customer engagement and target them.

Streamline Operations and Reduce Costs

Custom restaurant apps can significantly improve operational efficiency. The online food ordering feature reduces staff responsibilities; table servers can now concentrate on other aspects like food preparation and customer service.

Similarly, features like table reservations can allow the staff to manage the seating arrangement better and reduce customer wait times, leading to a smoother dining experience and reducing pressure on your staff.

Direct Marketing & Targeted Promotions

With custom mobile apps, you can focus on targeted marketing, which is much cheaper and more effective than old-school generalized advertisements. It helps you save money while ensuring your message reaches the right audience.

By studying customer preferences, you can send targeted push notifications at specific hours of the day that unlock highly personalized marketing strategies. It can strategically announce new menu items, birthday rewards, and exciting promotions, keeping your brand top-of-mind and driving repeat business.

Generic third-party food ordering apps cannot target your specific customer base. Advanced custom apps from Orderem help in so many ways. By leveraging push notifications, you can send diners exclusive deals, special offers, and information about new menu items based on their location, purchase history, and preferences.

This targeted approach resonates more effectively with customers, driving repeat business and boosting sales. Additionally, compared to generic marketing tactics, it can save you money to reinvest in other areas of your restaurant business.

Personalized Recommendations & Upselling Opportunities

With the collected customer data, you can gain insight into the customer's ordering habits and food preferences. The app can then leverage this data to help offer promotions and recommend dishes based on the customer's past orders. Additionally, you can use the app to upsell certain items from the menu and create combo meals with beverages and other not-so-hot-selling products.

The custom app can also nudge customers to explore new menu offerings. You can place enticing pictures and text descriptions of new dishes or add user reviews for popular items in your app. It can spark curiosity and encourage customers to go outside their usual choices, helping them expand their taste horizons and boosting restaurant revenue.

Help Build Brand Identity

Custom apps cut out the middleman, creating a direct line of communication with your customers. This goes beyond just placing orders. You can leverage the app to send real-time updates about wait times, seat availability, special events, and temporary closures, keeping your customers informed and in control of their dining experience.

The app can also become a social hub. Integrating with popular social media platforms allows customers to share photos of their meals, leave reviews, and directly engage with your brand. It fosters a sense of community and loyalty, creating a space where customers feel valued and connected to your restaurant. 

Additionally, positive reviews and user-generated content serve as organic advertising. It resonates more with your target audience than traditional marketing methods.

Stay Ahead of the Competition

The restaurant business has incredibly cut-throat competition, with many establishments looking to offer something unique that can captivate customers. Stand out with a custom app that shows your commitment to innovation and customer convenience.

This positions you miles ahead of competitors clinging to outdated methods. By offering a tech-savvy solution, you will capture a larger customer base and demonstrate your brand's forward-thinking approach, attracting diners who crave a modern and convenient dining experience.

Facilitate Future Innovation

Orderem actively gathers user input and stays ahead of the curve, continuously rolling out new features that keep your restaurant at the forefront. It seamlessly integrates mobile payments for easy checkout, even at self-ordering kiosks, and streamlines your service.

To Conclude

Custom restaurant apps empower you to thrive in the digital age. They enhance customer convenience and loyalty, increase order frequency and value, and unlock valuable data for strategic decision-making. You'll gain a competitive edge by offering targeted marketing, personalized recommendations, seamless operations, and the potential for upselling. 

Your custom app will keep pace with the evolving restaurant landscape. It can shape the future of the digital dining experience, continuously evolving to integrate future technologies like voice ordering.

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